Hello everybody. This video is especially for fellow filmmakers who live outside of the United States and have to fill in the W-8BEN form for the IRS to obtain a certification of foreign status. This ensures that they don't get double taxed in both the US and their home country. This version here is filled out for the Netherlands, but it should be the same for every other country as well. Let's get started! In Part 1, you need to provide your name (both your first name and last name), your country of citizenship, street address, city, and country. If your mailing address is the same, just write "same as above" to be sure. In the Netherlands, you have a social security number known as BSN (Burger Service Number). Fill this in here and you're good to go. Next, provide your birth date. It's pretty straightforward. Now let's get to the most important part - number 9. Fill in "Netherlands" if you're in another country. If so, type the name of your country. The most crucial part is the special rates and conditions because you don't want to get double taxed. You want to pay a certain percentage of tax in the States and pay all the taxes in your own country. Here's what's very important: write/type in "7 and 1" which stands for Article 7, Paragraph 1. If you only type 7 or only 1, you'll receive the form back without any explanation, instructing you to fill in the correct information. Now, you have to refer to the treaty. This can be a bit annoying if the communication isn't great. For typical income, such as doing a Vimeo on Demand service, simply write "service" and nothing else. The explanation for the withholding of the percentage is, "In the case...
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Instructions for completing w-8ben Form: What You Should Know
PART II; Line 2: Identification — Date of birth. Enter your date of birth on this line for all years Part III. Line 3 — Beneficial owner's tax home — Enter the address of your real property (including any attached condominium, cooperative, and ownership interest) where you are allowed to establish a principal residence because your primary residence is outside the United States. Part IV. Line 4: Number of children. Enter the number of children who will receive the income and benefits to be excluded from income. Line 6: Form of payment — Enter the value of the payment in dollars and cents. Line 7: Amount of excluded income — Enter the amount of the income to be excluded from income on line 6, along with the amount it will be withheld from each Form W-8BEN (Individual) and W-9. The amount of income to be excluded from each Form W-8BEN depends on which line is used and which form is filled out for that individual. Line 8 — Payment type (see note) — If you are an independent contractor, enter the income tax withheld from your payments. If you are the owner of a disregarded entity (including a sole proprietorship) or a corporate owner, enter the value of the payments in terms of dollars and cents. If you are an individual or employee reporting withholding on Form 1040 (Individual Income Tax Return) for the payees that you pay on your behalf, enter “I,” as in I.R.C. 1, line 1 (a) or “K,” as in I.R.C. 1, line 2 (b), whichever is appropriate. If you don't qualify for I.R.C. 1A, line 1 (a) and I.R.C. 1B (b), lines 2 and 3, you must enter 1R, line 1 (a) and 1K, line 2 (b). Do not enter “K” under “number of children”. If your income is from a partnership, include as much of your net income from your partnership (including the income from shares you receive upon the sale or exchange of such shares) as is reported on your return for the tax year. You may obtain an official form showing your withholding from Form W-4-Form W-8BEN, available at SEC.gov and SEC.gov, or from your payer.
Online solutions help you to manage your record administration along with raise the efficiency of the workflows. Stick to the fast guide to do Form W-8, steer clear of blunders along with furnish it in a timely manner:
How to complete any Form W-8 online: - On the site with all the document, click on Begin immediately along with complete for the editor.
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- Deliver the particular prepared document by way of electronic mail or facsimile, art print it out or perhaps reduce the gadget.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Instructions for completing form w-8ben